“New year, New Me”???


       Everything has a beginning, even the year and that’s what we call “New Year”. Every year, people sets their own “new year’s resolution”, they say that new year is a new chance to be a better person. But really, do we need to wait for another year to be a better person?


      “New year, new me”, that’s what most of the people say. They intend to change their lifestyle, attitude, personality, behaviour and many more just to be a better person. However, we should learn that we don’t have to wait for another year to come just to achieve the kind of person we want to be. Everyday is a chance to improve ourselves and that is why I don’t have a “New year, new me”. I choose to take every single day as an opportunity to change and to take a step closer to that kind of person I wanna be.


       We must practice improving ourselves everyday, not just on every beginning of the year because who knows what will happen to us? Even if we plan to be better next year, if we get no chance to live in that year, we won’t be able to fulfill our plan. Therefore, we should take every seconds, every minute, every hour and every day to open a new version of ourselves.


  1. Nice blog! I agree that we don't have to wait for a new year to improve ourselves; instead, we should strive to become a better version of ourselves every day.

  2. We may not know what the future holds but we know who holds our future. Keep improving yourself, you're an amazing person !


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