The End of the half of my G10 Journey


Quarter 2 has been more difficult than quarter 1. The fact is that I have no idea what HTML is or how it relates to my previous studies, but my ICT course has helped me clear my mind.HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the most fundamental building block of the Web. It specifies the meaning and structure of online content. One of the most significant advantages of HTML is that it is free, and no special software is required. I also learnt about the two types of tags: stand-alone tags and container tags. Using HTML tags and codes, I can quickly add whatever background color/picture I want. I can also modify the typefaces, font size, and photographs that are related to my themes. At first, I assumed that was all, but I was surprised to see that I could create a form and tables with it. HTML allows me to provide links to my references in each article I write under it.


At first, I was perplexed as to how to properly use the tag and where to put the words and everything. It was like doing something foreign and new to me because I literally had no idea how it was supposed to work.  However, as time passes, I gradually learn how does HTML works and the relevance of it in my real life.


Moving on, I will try my very best to understand and enjoy the new lessons we will be discussing next Quarter. Honestly, I really don't know how learning HTML will be relevant to my real life and future profession, but I will treasure the learning because maybe someday I will be able to use and apply it.


Julian. Adding pictures to a html Table. (August 14, 2019). Retrieved on January 27, 2023.


  1. Congrats on completing this quarter Kryst! Keep going :>

  2. You survived the 2nd quarter and I'm so proud of you, Kryst!


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